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Join me for this ever popular kingfisher painting in acrylics on canvas


Watch and learn as the entire painting develops with instruction along the way. Prepapre for the class by painting a burnt Sienna wash on your canvas and sketch your bird with a basic contour line drawing. We will then  progressively add layers of acrylic paint to develop rich colors and textures.

Perfect for all levels, just grab a set of paints a brush and a small canvas, or canvas paper.


The lesson was filmed live in my virtual classroom


Materials required

Stretched canvas (ideally8 x 12in or 12 x 16 in)

Brushes Small & large flat or filbert 

Paints – The colour palette Prussian Blue, Paynes Grey, Currulean Blue, cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Red, Burnt Umber, Tellow Ochre  and white.


Kingfisher Acrylic Tutorial

  • Your tutorial link and reference pic will download as a PDF at checkout

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